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Traditional wooden chair

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8 raisons de choisir Maison Saulaie

  • Livraison sur-mesure
  • Matières premières de grande qualité
  • Avis clients certifiés
  • Retours simplifiés
  • Artisanat d’excellence
  • Paiement en plusieurs fois
  • Service client en Mayenne
  • Fabrication française et européenne

For over two decades, La Maison Saulaie has been offering a range of furniture accessories to suit all tastes. You will therefore find something to satisfy vintage trends with solid wood chairs of timeless elegance and quality.

The traditional wooden chair, a charming product

The range of designs is vast and caters to all tastes. You can find anything from the very understated to something more glamorous. The details that can be changed, such as the backs, seats or legs, offer a variety of looks that avoid falling into boredom. For example, the backs range from oval to square, sometimes straight, with or without a crossbar, etc. The seats, while ensuring comfort, are carefully designed, with some models featuring traditional craftsmanship using plant fibres that meet ancestral standards.

The traditional caned chair

If you are more interested in something more understated and warm, La Maison Saulaie offers suitable models. Among these options is the armchair model. This is a model that combines comfort and quality in a style that is very reminiscent of a country house or a friendly and intimate setting. A touch of craftsmanship is added to the design, particularly in the back, which does not feature the classic model of the antique chair, i.e. with or without a crossbar. Also, in the same vein, is the caned chair. This is a piece of craftsmanship based on an ancestral model. It is a whole school that finds its roots in the subtleties of the practice of French refinement. The use of straw and other hand-woven plant fibres varies the appearance of both the seat and the back. This method of work has its origins quite far back in time, in the 17th century. It was at this time that rattan was introduced into France by Dutch and English importers. But even in this result of lightness and conviviality, a certain subcategory can nevertheless bring a touch of elegance to any type of interior. These are the models signed Louis XV and XVI. Inspired by what was done best at the time of these two kings, they respect the intimate setting and combine simplicity and elegance with a touch of nobility. The wood remains light, the craftsmanship is understated and without any extra frills. Everything is done to avoid the superfluous without falling into banality.

Refinement through upholstered fabric

In order to offer a finish that combines comfort and richness, fabric is definitely the detail that makes the difference. These are chairs with either the back or the seat, or both, covered in upholstered fabric. These fabric chairs are generally in shades of beige or ivory to avoid any faux pas that could lead to straying from the chic and comfortable style. In this category too, models inspired by regencies such as that of Louis XV or Louis XVI bring a touch of nobility and refinement. This means that the aesthetics of the French monarchy period find a way to infiltrate the contemporary without losing their elegance or appearing outdated.