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Industrial style office chair

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22 produits

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8 raisons de choisir Maison Saulaie

  • Livraison sur-mesure
  • Matières premières de grande qualité
  • Avis clients certifiés
  • Retours simplifiés
  • Artisanat d’excellence
  • Paiement en plusieurs fois
  • Service client en Mayenne
  • Fabrication française et européenne
Industrial design decor has given rise to the concept of Industrial chic. This expression, which was totally contradictory in the first half of the 20th century, has gradually become a reality. Today, it expresses a style in its own right. The least we can say is that it is on the rise, at a time when the taste for originality is combined with a quest for sobriety. Minimalist design and raw materials now have many followers, who are satisfied by the industrial style.