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Traditional desk

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8 raisons de choisir Maison Saulaie

  • Livraison sur-mesure
  • Matières premières de grande qualité
  • Avis clients certifiés
  • Retours simplifiés
  • Artisanat d’excellence
  • Paiement en plusieurs fois
  • Service client en Mayenne
  • Fabrication française et européenne
La Maison Saulaie is a high-end decoration and furniture company offering furniture made by craftsmen in its own workshops in France and Portugal. The company values fine materials and offers customisation of the products in its catalogue. The product catalogue and the company's service offering are aimed at private individuals who love decoration or are passionate about interior design, as well as interior architects and professional fitters.

Essence of the Saulaie style: the marriage of old and high-end

Saulaie is a French brand that has historically specialised in reproducing old models. Over time, the brand has expanded its range of styles while favouring models with timeless designs. This choice is what characterises Saulaie furniture: a fine balance between contemporary designs and old designs always enhanced by fine materials and traditional working methods that reveal the quality of the furniture and the elegance of the lines through the different environments it composes. This is the case of the traditional desks that have simple and delicate lines in the purest Louis XVI or Directoire style. The work of carved solid wood gives this desk a copy of an old unique and simple style, which gives these iconic pieces the luxury of transcending eras and fashions. The Saulaie style is characterised by the harmony between the timeless charm of the old and the elegance of more contemporary designs. This fusion gives rise to unique pieces, perfectly embodying French design know-how.

Fine wood, the choice of elegance

We favour the use of quality French and European wood, such as walnut, beech and oak, for the creation of our desks. These natural materials bring warmth and character to our products, guaranteeing the maintenance of these quality characteristics over time. The choice of fine wood also contributes to the final appearance of the product, offering unique shades and grains that make each desk a personal piece. Some models also offer guilloché leather desk tops, for even greater comfort. Absolute luxury!

Detailed design: art and craftsmanship

Each high-end antique style desk is the result of a meticulous process, combining traditional know-how and modern techniques. From the initial design to the choice of materials, including the final production, each stage is carried out with the greatest care by our skilled craftsmen. This meticulous approach guarantees the quality, the careful finish and the authenticity of each traditional desk signed by Maison Saulaie.