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8 raisons de choisir Maison Saulaie

  • Livraison sur-mesure
  • Matières premières de grande qualité
  • Avis clients certifiés
  • Retours simplifiés
  • Artisanat d’excellence
  • Paiement en plusieurs fois
  • Service client en Mayenne
  • Fabrication française et européenne
Natural decor: rattan

For spontaneous and natural decor, add a few touches of rattan to your room. Composed of many natural plant fibres, rattan is a material that is both flexible and robust, which allows it to take on different decorative forms.

It comes to embellish the home in a bohemian and chic spirit and is just as easily presented in contemporary arrangements as in more classic and elaborate arrangements.

Rattan is available in different decorative objects such as the most expected mirrors, but also in more unique forms such as a thermos or an ice bucket that will delightfully enhance a kitchen or living room.

In addition, rattan goes perfectly with other raw materials. So do not hesitate to mix and match for a trendy and sophisticated interior.