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Designer desk

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8 raisons de choisir Maison Saulaie

  • Livraison sur-mesure
  • Matières premières de grande qualité
  • Avis clients certifiés
  • Retours simplifiés
  • Artisanat d’excellence
  • Paiement en plusieurs fois
  • Service client en Mayenne
  • Fabrication française et européenne
Reflecting both your personality and your function, the desk is probably the piece of furniture you use the most, after your bed. The web is full of content that aims to help you choose a desk. Size, configuration, ergonomics, colour... Whether you are drawn to an **antique desk** or a designer desk, you will quickly realise that a little introspection is necessary to make a wise choice

Antique or modern desk... with or without drawers

For those who like the appearance of disorder, which in their eyes is perfectly ordered and a sign of productivity, should they opt for a simple top, like the aluminium Aviator models, or the leather and stainless steel "La Boétie" or even the very classic Louis XVI **solid wood desk** model? On the other hand, for those who are in favour of order, for whom complete tidying is an essential prerequisite before starting work, Maison Saulaie recommends desks equipped with drawer units, from five to nine. The "Nelson" and "Officier" solid wood furniture will give complete satisfaction to the most meticulous among us.

A wooden desk for "homo numericius"

In the digital age, there is no doubt that the time spent in front of the screen (and therefore sitting at your desk) tends to increase. The great divide between those in favour of a tidy desk and those in favour of a more "lively" desk tends to fade with the widespread use of computers. Our modern era and digitalisation guide us towards ergonomics and an uncluttered or even minimalist environment. Files no longer take up space, piles of photos and documents accumulate on servers, invisible to the eye. In this dematerialised context, you can probably place your computer on an **antique wooden desk**. But you can also opt for the small size and modern appearance of the Scandinavian "Lund" or "Boden" ranges. Robust and elegant, these models reflect a major evolution in the way desks are used.