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Bookcase & shelf

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8 raisons de choisir Maison Saulaie

  • Livraison sur-mesure
  • Matières premières de grande qualité
  • Avis clients certifiés
  • Retours simplifiés
  • Artisanat d’excellence
  • Paiement en plusieurs fois
  • Service client en Mayenne
  • Fabrication française et européenne

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need", said Cicero. For the garden, the Saulaie shop will not be of much help. For your library or your shelves, on the other hand, it is able to guide you through a rich collection of classic or original furniture. The crowd of readers has continued to grow since the invention of printing, so it is a question of satisfying multiple tastes and requirements. The styles, shapes, materials and sizes are counted in dozens. From the solid wood library to the vintage wall shelf, you will therefore need to take all these parameters into account. The Saulaie house remains at your disposal to help you make your choice.

Library furniture: the extra soul

In every house there may be a scholar hiding and many are the insatiable curious who aspire to become a living library. Such an aspiration cannot be achieved if the chosen furniture does not create the atmosphere that suits you. With this in mind, you must obviously think about books. But not only. On the shelves of a library, or even a simple wall shelf, it is not only your library, but also your archives, your various collections and trinkets of great sentimental value that are to their advantage. A real showcase for your history, your tastes and aspirations! A simple glance and an excursion through the shelves should contribute to your well-being. Isn't it said that a library is a "hospital for the mind"?

Old shelf and high-tech equipment

The good old wooden shelf has not remained indifferent to modernity. Like many pieces of furniture, it has adapted to accommodate the hi-fi and digital equipment that many of us give a strategic place in the heart of the living room, office or library. The removable shelf guarantees great adaptability. Other models, such as the "Nelson" double shelf, are perfectly suited as a TV stand.